How Machine Learning is Influencing Mobile App Development in 2021

How Machine Learning is Influencing Mobile App Development in 2021

The machine learning app development industry has been embraced by companies all over the world. A total of 28.5 billion dollars was invested in machine learning worldwide in 2019.
Machine learning has particular value in mobile app development. You may not even realize that an app is using machine learning. The article in this article provides answers to your questions about how to build a machine-learning application.

Here’s what you are going to learn:


    •  Machine learning: an overview

    •  Machine learning app example

    •  It is useful for a number of industries to utilize machine learning

    •  Making an application based on machine learning

    •  Machine learning technology is used to develop apps


Let’s start with the article explaining how to develop machine learning software.

how to develop machine learning software

What is Machine Learning?

AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Machine Learning (ML) are closely related. A smart application’s ability to learn from collected data is enhanced by machine learning over time.
Machine learning algorithms can be used to find patterns in massive amounts of data to make data-driven predictions and decisions. More data is processed by data-driven algorithms, which produces more accurate predictions and decisions.
three main types of machine learning
Today, three main types of machine learning are defined:

    • Supervised machine learning 

The algorithm is trained using predefined training examples. Machine learning uses them to learn how to make conclusions based on new data. 

    • Unsupervised machine learning 

In order to train the algorithm, data without defined rules are used. The key to making accurate predictions is finding patterns and relationships.

    • Reinforced machine learning 

Training determines decisions in machine learning. Agents must learn how to accomplish their goals in uncertain and potentially complex environments.

Key Machine Learning Models

A popular practice today is the development of machine learning apps. ML underpins many solutions that you use on a daily basis. Here are some famous examples of machine learning implementations.
It’s easy to see how machine learning can be applied to Netflix. Have you noticed that Netflix offers you the most interesting content?
Because of artificial intelligence and machine learning, all the time, we are learning about your preferences/content. The system’s robust recommendations are the foundation.
The next day, Netflix, for instance, would suggest similar content based on what you watched yesterday. You would be able to tell machine learning algorithms that you didn’t like a movie if you watched it but gave a negative review. Computers would not recommend similar content.

Here is a step-by-step guide for launching an ambitious streaming service.

Google services, for example, use machine learning to process images and translate texts. It is similar to what humans do when they see, listen, and speak. It provides its customers with an enjoyable and personalized experience by utilizing machine learning algorithms.
Using machine learning to develop applications like Tinder is another excellent example. It isn’t a spell that finds end users’ perfect match, contrary to what end users might think. The machine learns instead of analyzing user swipes and provides recommendations based on collected data.

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Instagram is an example of augmented reality and machine learning combined. Augmented reality and machine learning are used to identify user’s faces, create a 3D mesh, and deform the mesh to apply different filters.
This platform is also heavily dependent on machine learning, although many users do not know that. Content discovery, spam moderation, and advertising are some examples of tasks the company uses this technology for.
There are many applications of machine learning. Google Maps, Twitter, Yelp, and other solutions are just some examples. Here are some machine learning-based apps you can check out to learn how ML works in real life.

Industries That Can Benefit From Machine Learning Application Development

There is a solution that is gaining some traction in various industries – machine learning. Several industries and spheres offer high potential for machine learning, and in this part, we’ll explore the spheres and industries where they can provide the most benefit.
Machine Learning Development Across Industries
benefits from machine learning application development
Our lives have already been transformed by smart and self-driving cars. Traffic is monitored and predicted with artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. Combining these technologies enables cars to drive autonomously.
The healthcare industry is being transformed by machine learning. Analyzing patient data to diagnose and prescribe treatments is part of this type of solution. Predictive analytics is being used by more and more healthcare providers.
Data collected by financial institutions can be used to predict transactions, investments, and data collection in the future. Machine learning and artificial intelligence are used to detect fraud and predict fraud. Other industries also use the technology for this purpose.
Machine learning is also beneficial to the cybersecurity industry. In this way, data from incident reports, alerts, and more can be analyzed to identify potential threats, analyze security better, and advise on response options.
The manufacturing industry has much to gain from machine learning. Machine learning algorithms can be used by assembly line companies along with sensors and artificial intelligence to predict when maintenance is needed. Companies are able to avoid unplanned downtime by using them.
Data-driven, smart predictions are made with machine learning. This technology is already beneficial to the eCommerce industry. Revenue and average order value increase when personalized product recommendations are given.
Machine learning can also be used in this field. In the ad industry, this technology serves to improve the efficiency of ad campaigns by providing highly targeted ads tailored to users’ needs and interests.
Artificial intelligence and machine learning can be applied to almost every industry, as you can see. With automation, decision-making is shifting from humans to robots, which in turn reduces the chance of some important aspects being overlooked, leading to incorrect decisions.

How to Build a Machine Learning App: Step-By-Step Process

There are several steps involved in the development of machine learning applications.
You can use machine learning to make an app if you follow these steps:

    •  Frame a problem

    •  Collect and clean the data

    •  Prepare data for ML application

    •  Feature engineering

    •  Train a model

    •  Evaluate and improve model accuracy

    •  Serve in a model in production

Let’s review each of the steps in more detail.

Main Steps of Machine Learning Application Development

Frame a Problem
Identification of the main work for machine learning app development should be your first step. Machine learning should be applied when you understand what the problem is.
Answering the following questions will help you move on with this step:

    •  With machine learning, what are you trying to predict? Its main purpose is to accomplish what?

    •  Is there a target feature?

    •  How will the input data be collected? Has it been delivered to you? What kind of classification or regression are you performing?

    •  Are you expecting any improvements?

    •  Is this feature in progress?

    •  What is the target feature that you will measure?

If you are developing a machine learning application, you need to remember that it is only able to recognize patterns it has seen before. Your objectives are therefore dependent on the data.
Collect and Clean the Data
collect and clean the data
In order to begin machine learning development, you must frame the problem and then collect data. Using open data sources or your own historical database is one way to collect data.
It may be necessary to remove irrelevant data inputs from collected data. Your machine learning algorithms will be directly affected by this change, as well as the accuracy of your future projections.
Prepare Data for Machine Learning Application
Machine learning can only analyze numbers, and that is the most important thing to understand. Essentially, all the data must be converted into a format that your machine learning engine will understand, such as text or images. To assemble data from multiple resources for analysis, a data pipeline needs to be created.

Data Preparation for Machine Learning

Feature engineering
Feature Engineering
Machine learning algorithms are not always able to function properly when row data lacks specific characteristics. Feature engineering, typically involving two or more data features, helps create additional features by combining them in a more relevant arithmetic operation.
A majority of machine learning app development is devoted to data preparation.
Most Consuming Tasks for Machine Learning Developers

The Most Consuming Tasks for Machine Learning Developers

Train a Model
After you have built your machine learning algorithm, the next step is to train it on data.
Training and evaluation data must be separated before training begins. Using the second set of data, you’ll be able to understand how well the model generalizes to unknown data.
Once the algorithms start learning the features and labels, they will learn which patterns appear.
There are numerous ways to approach model training, including varying the learning rate, regularization, and number of passes among others.
Evaluate and Optimize Accuracy
It’s time to evaluate the performance of your machine learning algorithm. Over-fitting and under-fitting are some accuracy metrics. The algorithm and training data must be optimized based on the results you get.
Serve in a Model in Production
In order to develop a machine learning application, this is the last step. A trained algorithm is ready for production deployment once the training phase is complete. This type of data should be incorporated into your software for making predictions based on real data and for practical purposes.
Developing this system requires a high level of technical proficiency.
Data Privacy in Machine Learning App Development
Machine learning involves working with large sets of data. The specifics of it create a quite challenging situation when you need to develop machine learning with data privacy in mind.

Let’s overview some of the principles that will help build a solution compliant with modern data security requirements.

Data Anonymization
The use of information that identifies a person is one of the main concerns of machine learning. One of the key requirements of privacy laws is data anonymization. You should choose the technique to anonymize the data before building machine learning models.
One of the possible ways is to apply one-way hashing when data is converted into a number that the original data can’t be derived from the single number.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
In addition to identifying a person, you’ll also have to anonymize personally identifiable information. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) states clearly that it is impossible to store such data without violating its provisions. Other state and local regulations, such as The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), will also need to be followed to avoid any legal issues or lawsuits.
The Right to be Forgotten
To comply with GDPR and CCPA, companies must ask for consent from users before using their data. An organization cannot use data if it does not have such consent.
The right to be forgotten also requires that you meet strict requirements. Having the ability to withdraw consent and requesting the erasure of all their personal information already provided to a company is essential for modern users.
Data that has been added to the system can be quite challenging to erase due to the algorithms used. In light of that, it is imperative that the “right to erase” requirement be incorporated into the entire machine-learning process.
In order for businesses to harness the benefits of ML, there are many challenges inherent to the process of ML development. To guarantee compliance with local regulations in the future, machine learning algorithms should be designed with data privacy in mind.
Python for machine learning

Technology Stack used for Machine Learning App

Machine Learning Frameworks in 2021
Different libraries, frameworks, and APIs make it possible to develop machine learning apps more quickly. The algorithms are already built for you. With today’s machine learning solutions, you can create powerful software to meet your business needs.
Let’s review some of the most popular machine learning frameworks.
TensorFlow is a framework from Google designed specifically for the creation of deep learning models. With artificial neural networks, the system can learn and improve over time. We developed a framework that works on the basis of a computation graph. There are various kinds of nows, each performing a specific function.
As a direct competitor to TensorFlow, PyTorch offers a wide range of deep learning capabilities. Torch provides developers with deep learning instructions for building deep neural networks and performing complex calculations.
Shogun is a great solution if you’re looking to build an educational or research machine learning app. It supports both regression and classification methods using vector machines and can handle large data sets.
Apache Mahout
Mathematicians, data scientists, and statisticians looking for algorithm execution assistance should consider Apache Mahout. It is geared toward tasks such as collaborative data grouping, classification, and filtering and has built-in algorithms for distributed linear algebra.
A great tool for data visualization, modeling, and analysis without coding, Konstanz Information Miner (KNIME) is available for free. The framework uses a modular data pipeline concept combining different components for machine learning and data mining is a single solution.
Machine learning algorithms developed by Weka are primarily used in data mining. It provides many functions, including regression analysis, classification, clustering, data preparation, and data visualization. You can investigate machine learning with this tool if you are just starting out.
You can perform a variety of tasks with RapidMiner, which includes data preparation, machine learning, deep learning, text mining, and predictive analysis. Research, education, and development are all common uses for this solution

Sum up on Machine Learning Application Development

This technology is hugely complex, and it requires someone with great knowledge of it to develop apps for it. A professional mobile app development company that specializes in building machine learning apps is the best choice if you are not sure you can handle it yourself.

Do you want to build a Machine Learning App?

You can count on our team for assistance. Using artificial intelligence and machine learning, we create complex applications. We offer a free initial consultation to all our clients. Get in touch with us at
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How Machine Learning is Influencing Mobile App Development in 2021

About the Author

Hello and welcome to my technical blog! My name is Shivam Sharma and I'm a passionate software developer...