A Complete Guide to Hire Dedicated Laravel Developer

Laravel has become the most popular framework for making websites and apps because it has so many cutting-edge features and built-in functions. Keep reading this blog if you need a skilled Laravel developer for your next project. It gives a full explanation of why and how to hire Laravel developers. Laravel is an open-source PHP framework that has been around since 2011. It is used to build modern websites and web apps. Laravel is one of the best PHP frameworks in terms of functionality, and performance, and makes it easier to build websites and apps. If you’re still not sure if you should use this framework for your next project, look at the graph below. It shows how Laravel’s popularity has grown over time.

Laravel Usage Statistics

laravel usage statistics
Source – https://trends.builtwith.com/framework/Laravel
A developer with extensive experience in Laravel development should be hired from a company that has a good track record in Laravel development. In addition to building highly customized websites and web apps with lots of features, these Laravel developers ensure that these apps are always accessible. Also, these developers know a lot about everything to do with Laravel, from installing and configuring Laravel to developing, customizing, migrating, and upgrading. Let’s talk about what else you can get from hiring a full-time Laravel developer.

What Makes Dedicated Laravel Developers the Best?


  • •  Build future-ready applications and websites

When making a website or app, it goes without saying that scalability and flexibility are very important. In addition to keeping up with a growing customer base, business owners must always be on the lookout for new tech trends and be ready to adapt to them. Also, while you focus on running your business, your Laravel developer will be able to help you meet the technical needs of your business. Also, these Laravel developers keep up with the latest developments and tech innovations. This lets them bring cutting-edge features to the table that help your company grow, become more modern, and grow.

  • •  Cost-effective

cost effective
Hiring an experienced Laravel developer can save you a lot of money, which is one of the best things about it. Also, development done in-house will not only be harder, but it will also cost a lot more. Hiring a skilled and experienced Laravel developer can save a lot of money on the cost of building a website or app.
better management

  • •  Better management

Websites and apps are made to work well with a lot of people using them at the same time. But web traffic does not always stay the same. When your app gets more users in the future, it will have to handle a lot of requests every second. This can make your web app’s hosting costs go up by a lot. Also, you may lose a lot of customers if the hosting server crashes or goes down for some reason. Experienced Laravel developers make web apps that are better at managing traffic and can handle a lot of users at once.

  • •  Cutting-edge tools and technology

One of the best things about hiring Laravel developers is that they use the latest tools and technology to make websites and apps. These experts know about all the new tools and technologies as well as the ones that have been around for a long time and are still used a lot. They use all of them well so that they can meet your needs and wants.

  • •  Efficient

When you hire Laravel developers, you can be sure that these professionals can handle different parts of a web application development project with the utmost care and perfection. Also, these professionals have years of experience, which gives them the ability to meet any need.
truly interested in your company

  • •  Truly interested in your company

These experts will take the time to learn about your goals and are genuinely interested in your business. Also, these Laravel developers will get to know their clients well and keep working with them.

  • •  Build multilingual sites 

If you want to grow your business in other countries, you should use Laravel as your platform and hire a dedicated Laravel developer. Also, there are many ways to make websites and apps that work in more than one language. For example, you can use third-party packages or use Laravel localization to build a brand-new site. A skilled Laravel developer will know how to use the right method to meet your needs in the best way. In the end, this Laravel developer will make it easy to make websites or apps for different languages.
high security

  • •  High security

Professional and dedicated Laravel developers know how to make websites that are safe, secure, and reliable using Laravel. These developers use all of Laravel’s built-in and extra security features to make websites that are very safe. Since there are no holes in the code, hackers can’t hurt a foolproof website. This means that your business will keep running without any problems.

  • •  Knowledgeable 

The people who work on Laravel know a lot about its many services, such as elixir, hashing, helpers, artisan console, and so on. Since they know a lot about these topics, they can use the Laravel framework to make applications that work perfectly. 

Important Checklist to Hire Dedicated Laravel Developer

Whether you want to use Laravel to build a web portal or an app, you must hire a dedicated Laravel developer. But even though there are a lot of Laravel developers out there, it can be hard to find the right one. You also need to think about a few other things before making the final choice. Here are ten things you should think about before hiring a Laravel developer.

  • •  Determine your needs

You must hire a dedicated Laravel developer if you want to use Laravel to build a web portal or an app. But it can be hard to find the right Laravel developer, even though there are a lot of them out there. Before making the final decision, you should also think about a few other things. Before you hire a Laravel developer, you should think about these ten things.
experience is key

  • •  Experience is key

When looking for a Laravel developer, experience is one of the most important things to think about. Also, the longer a developer has been offering Laravel development services, the more likely it is that the developer will be able to give you good services. Also, make sure you hire a dedicated Laravel developer who has worked in the field for years.

  • •  Check the portfolio of the developer

Check out a Laravel developer’s past work before you hire them. The portfolio gives you an idea of how good their work is. You can also find out how much they know about Laravel web and app development by looking at their portfolio. When you do research on all Laravel developers, you can look at their portfolios to get a sense of their skills and overall experiences. The portfolio will also help you figure out how wide their skills are. Also, it’s important to point out that many niche Laravel developers have a good understanding of the industry they work in. But you might find that they are stuck with low-quality designs that aren’t very interesting and can’t be changed. On the other hand, developers who work in more than one niche or industry can offer designs that are both beautiful and unique.
ability to understand the requirement

  • •  Ability to understand the requirement

You should also make sure that the Laravel developer can understand what the client wants. Also, a Laravel developer will only be able to build a project for you if they fully and accurately understand what you want. In conclusion, the most important thing you should expect from a Laravel developer is that they fully understand your business needs. Also, the developer should be able to visualize the client’s needs and deliverables and turn them into technical specifications. Before you hire a full-time Laravel developer, ask them to come up with a plan for gathering requirements. Also, for projects that are still going on, it is common for the requirements to change as business needs and market conditions change. Then, for a Laravel developer to meet such a changing need, he or she should understand the changing need well and change as quickly as possible.
ask for references

  • •  Ask for references

Make sure you ask for references when you hire a Laravel developer. Also, developers who are willing to give references should be chosen over those who aren’t. If a Laravel developer won’t give references, it could be because they have something to hide.

  • •  Cost

Even if the price is high on your list of things to consider when choosing a Laravel developer, don’t hire one based on price alone. If you want good work, you will have to spend some money. Having said that, a high price does not always mean a good product. If the Laravel developer has good reviews and a good reputation, but their prices are high, you should hire them. Also, make sure you know what different things are included in the price. This will keep you from having to pay extra money down the line. Before making your final choice, you should also compare the prices that different Laravel developers charge.

  • •  Communication

A way to talk to clients that don’t break down makes it easier to understand their needs and wants quickly. It also gives the customers a chance to give feedback. Make sure the Laravel developer is easy to talk to and responds quickly to your questions.

  • •  Reliability

One of the most important things you should look for in a Laravel developer is that they are reliable. The developer should know how to use all kinds of Laravel services, whether they are making a new web portal or updating an old one. The fact that the developer is good at meeting deadlines also makes him or her reliable. When figuring out how reliable someone is, you should also look at how quickly they can solve technical problems and how well they can keep up with trends and technologies that are always changing.

  • •  After delivery support

A web or app development project is not successful just because it’s done and works well. You should also be able to get past any problems that come up after the release. Make sure you hire a dedicated Laravel developer whose contract includes support after the project is done.
technical skill

  • •   Technical skills

When looking for a Laravel developer, one of the most important things to look for is technical skill. Also, make sure that the Laravel developer you hire has good technical skills. Also, it would be better to hire Laravel developers from a reputable company because they know more about the different ways to build websites and apps and how to use them. When hiring a Laravel developer, make sure to ask them questions about Laravel, such as the different versions, new features, etc. All of these questions will help you figure out whether or not they are technically sound.

Top Skills To Look in Laravel Developer

The following are some primary attributes to look for in Laravel developers
web development skills

  • •  Web development skills

 Ideally, Laravel developers will be well versed in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. In the absence of these skills, the web application will not work.
database management skills

  • •  Database Management Skills

Developers of Laravel should be in charge of database systems. It means that they can organize all the information from a company’s website and make it easy for end users to share the information quickly and effectively across the organization. Most people use Oracle 12c, Microsoft SQL, and MySQL to manage their databases..

  • •  Understanding OOP & MVC

Lavarel is built on MVC architecture, which stands for Model View Controller. That’s why it’s easier to start a project with Laravel. But when it comes to OOP, it’s important to remember that every framework is object-oriented. So, people who work with Laravel must know about classes, traits, methods, objects, etc.

  • •  Knowledge of Project Management Frameworks

The Project Management framework gives a way to do things that leads to good results. Because a Laravel developer has to pay attention to the tools, tasks, and processes that are needed to build a project from start to finish, this is a skill they should have.

Where to Hire Dedicated Laravel Developer

Laravel developers can be found at:

  • Online Job Sites

Laravel developers can be found on the following sites:

  • •  Zestminds
  • •  Monster
  • •  Clutch
  • •  Glassdoor
  • •  Craigslist
  • •  Guru
  • •  Toptal

social media

  • Social Media

Everyone is very busy online these days, posting their services and reviews. So, you can look for developers you want to work with on popular social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Read through their profile to find out everything you can. If you have LinkedIn Premium, you can send an InMail right away.

  • Forum Sites

Developers go to forum sites for many different reasons, such as to find answers to questions or to see what’s new in technology. Even though not all developers look for jobs on forums, it is still a good way to talk to different developers and choose the one you think will work best for your business.

  • Freelancers

Another good way to hire dedicated Laravel developers is through freelancing. Many big and small businesses around the world choose this option because it is the most cost-effective. The only problem with freelancers is that they have fewer features and less help after a project is done.
Check out the list of some of the top Freelancing Sites:

  • •  UPWORK
  • •  Freelancer.com
  • •  Fiverr
  • •  Behance
  • •  Guru
  • •  ServiceScape

professional Laravel development team


  • Web Development Company

It is one of the best choices if you want projects that are very specific to your needs. With the help of a professional Laravel development team at any web development company, you can make applications that are scalable and reliable.
Zestminds is the best company for developing with Laravel. With more than 10 years under their belts. Zestminds helps businesses of all sizes all over the world with their digital needs. At Zestminds, you can hire dedicated Laravel developers by the hour, month, or project. So, you can get your applications done on time and within your budget. Zestminds has a team of well-known Laravel programmers who are experts in top-notch Laravel development services. They can build functional web solutions that meet your business’s needs.

Why Choose Zestminds for Laravel Development?

Zestminds’ dedicated Laravel developers offer the following reasons for hiring them

  • •  Competitive Project Quotes- Our Laravel web developers can give your dream projects a better code base, strong features, and stability.

  • •  Expert Laravel Developers- With years of experience, our Laravel developers have helped more than 100 clients in different fields with digital solutions. This wide range of experience will take your project to new heights.

  • •  Secure Development- We make sure that web apps and mobile apps don’t have any bugs by testing and debugging the code.

  • •  Client Satisfaction- We give the best help for all projects from the beginning to the end. During each step of application development, everything is open and clear.

  • •  Serve in Industries- We’ve covered almost every area, like eCommerce, real estate, education, the environment, food, fashion, vehicles, art, health, medicine, and entertainment.

laravel web & app development services

Zestminds Laravel Web & App development services include


  • •  Laravel Web Applications
  • •  Laravel Module Development
  • •  Laravel Package Development
  • •  Laravel Migration Service
  • •  Laravel Shopping Cart
  • •  Laravel Plugin Development
  • •  Laravel Integration & Customization
  • •  Laravel Cloud Integration
  • •  Laravel Portal Development
  • •  Laravel CMS Development
  • •  Laravel Extension Development
  • •  Laravel 3rd Party API Integration
  • •  AI-Based Laravel Web App
  • •  Payment Gateway Integration


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What makes Laravel better than other PHP frameworks?
A: The main benefits of using Laravel development services are its built-in features, autoloading, unit testing, faster loading, and proven MVC architecture. This means that websites and web apps are fast, have lots of features, and work well.
Q: How do I choose the best Laravel Development Company?
A: Because there are so many choices these days, it might be hard to find the right Laravel developer who understands what your business needs. To keep things simple, though, make sure that the Laravel Development Company has:

  • •  At least 5–7 years of experience in the field.
  • •  Have worked on more than 50 projects.
  • •  Have clients from at least 5–10 different countries.

Also, make sure the company does at least these things:

  • •  Custom Laravel Web Development
  • •  Laravel Extension Development
  • •  Services for Laravel Migration and Update
  • •  Laravel E-commerce
  • •  API development Support and Maintenance

Q: Does the tool for making APIs have any support from Laravel?
A: Yes, GraphQL is the query language that lets you create queries using a graphical user interface. With the help of Laravel Development Company, it is easy to set up on the Laravel platform.
How long will it take to build applications with this framework?
A: The time it takes to make a Laravel application depends on many things, such as the skills and creativity of the developer, the quality requirements of your project, etc. Depending on these factors, Laravel applications will take anywhere from one week to three or four weeks to finish.


Experts in the field say that Laravel is the best framework for PHP development. It can combine high levels of flexibility, simple code, and agility in web development. In the last few years, it has become the first choice for making applications. All of the things we’ve talked about above should give you a good idea of the rules you need to follow before hiring a Laravel developer. If you want to use Laravel to make a high-end website or app, make sure you keep the tips above in mind so you can make an informed choice.
We hope you found this article helpful and that you’ll soon be able to use Laravel for your web or mobile apps. Tell us what you think about this post, and if you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch at contact@zestminds.com.
hire laravel development

A Complete Guide to Hire Dedicated Laravel Developer

About the Author

Written by Shivam Sharma CTO of Zestminds, with 13+ years of experience in the IT industry, having led multiple digital transformation projects.